صناعة دبلوماسيةالمستقبل
مرحباً بكم في أكاديمية محمد بن مبارك آل خليفة للدراسات الدبلوماسية
عن الأكاديمية
تأسست أكاديمية محمد بن مبارك آل خليفة للدراسات الدبلوماسية في 1 أغسطس 2019م بموجب مرسوم ملكي سامٍ من لدن حضرة صاحب الجلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة عاهل البلاد المفدى حفظه الله ورعاه. وسُمّيت الأكاديمية بهذا الاسم تكريمًا لسمو الشيخ محمد بن مبارك آل خليفة، نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء، الذي شغل منصب وزير الخارجية الأول لمملكة البحرين، ورائد الدبلوماسية البحرينية المعاصرة. خلفت الأكاديمية المعهد الدبلوماسي بوزارة الخارجية في مهامه باعتبارها المؤسسة المسؤولة عن إعداد دبلوماسيي المملكة.
August 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
April 28, 2021
October 20, 2019
July 15, 2019
January 15, 2019
The program was comprehensive in offering a balance between academic and practical content. It gave me the opportunity to explore critical topics such as International Relations and Political Philosophy, in addition to practicing actual work in the Ministry’s different directorates. The program also focused on developing important soft skills for diplomats, such as public speaking and the ability to work under pressure. Another important outcome of the program is the network created between the participants from different directorates.
The program was comprehensive in offering a balance between academic and practical content. It gave me the opportunity to explore critical topics such as International Relations and Political Philosophy, in addition to practicing actual work in the Ministry’s different directorates. The program also focused on developing important soft skills for diplomats, such as public speaking and the ability to work under pressure. Another important outcome of the program is the network created between the participants from different directorates.
The program was comprehensive in offering a balance between academic and practical content. It gave me the opportunity to explore critical topics such as International Relations and Political Philosophy, in addition to practicing actual work in the Ministry’s different directorates. The program also focused on developing important soft skills for diplomats, such as public speaking and the ability to work under pressure. Another important outcome of the program is the network created between the participants from different directorates.
Rehab AbdulRahman Al Abbasi
Third Secretary, The Americas and the Pacific Affairs Directorate
The program was comprehensive in offering a balance between academic and practical content. It gave me the opportunity to explore critical topics such as International Relations and Political Philosophy, in addition to practicing actual work in the Ministry’s different directorates. The program also focused on developing important soft skills for diplomats, such as public speaking and the ability to work under pressure. Another important outcome of the program is the network created between the participants from different directorates.
Rehab AbdulRahman Al Abbasi
Third Secretary, The Americas and the Pacific Affairs Directorate