Deputy Premier chairs Cabinet session

Deputy Prime Minister, His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, chaired the regular weekly Cabinet session, at the Gudaibiya Palace today.

Royal patronage of award-distribution ceremony hailed

The cabinet lauded His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s patronage of the grand ceremony held recently to grant the fourth edition of the Isa Award for Service to Humanity.

The session expressed deep pride in the royal patronage of the event, as it embodies Bahrain’s interest in exploring, highlighting and appreciating international humanitarian achievements, as well as in commemorating the dedicated efforts of the late His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may Allah the Almighty rest his soul in eternal peace, in serving humanity.

In this regard, the session praised the commendable constructive efforts exerted by the Board of Trustees of the Isa Award for Service to Humanity, chaired by HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak, and extended congratulations to Edhi Foundation in Pakistan on winning the fourth edition of the prestigious award, a post-session statement by the Cabinet Secretary-General, Dr. Yasser bin Isa Al-Nasser, said.

Bahrain oasis of tolerance

The cabinet, marking the International Day for Tolerance, lauded the constant keenness of Bahrain, during HM King Hamad’s prosperous era, to consolidate the values of religious tolerance, respect for human rights and promote the culture of moderation on the basis of all-inclusive citizenship.

HRH Premier’s patronage of Jewellery Arabia hailed

The session underscored the importance of Jewellery Arabia, held under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, in boosting the trade and tourism sectors, as well as consolidating the kingdom’s global reputation in the gold and jewellery industry.

The cabinet stressed that HRH the Prime Minister’s patronage of the key economic event has contributed to attracting mega world companies to it, ensuring its continuous success for 28 years, and increasing its support for the commerce and tourism sectors.

IISS Manama Dialogue praised  

The cabinet highlighted the importance of the IISS Manama Dialogue 2019, describing it as a platform that provides the participants with a suitable opportunity to discuss the main security challenges of top priority, and find common understandings and formulas that would enhance regional and global cooperation on them.

The session praised the high-profile political, economic and military participation in the forum, and welcomed the participants in it.

Edict on self-sponsored residence permits to be amended

The cabinet approved, based on a presentation by the Minister of Interior, to grant a self – sponsored residence permit to any foreigner whose share as a partner in any of the financial, commercial, industrial, tourism or other economic or investment projects in the country is not less than BD 50,000, instead of BD 100,000 as is the case now.

The cabinet also agreed to allow the issuance of self-sponsored visas and residency permits to retired foreigners if they come from one of the countries that are allowed to obtain electronic visas to enter the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The session endorsed a draft ministerial edict on amending the provisions of Edict 74/2007 on granting self-sponsored residence permits for foreigners.

Two draft edicts approved

The Cabinet approved two draft edicts submitted by the Minister of Interior.

Under the first draft edict, Thai tourists will be exempted from the prescribed fees to enter Bahrain pursuant to the principle of reciprocity.

 Under the second, Ukraine and Serbia will be added to the list of countries whose citizens are allowed to obtain an electronic visa to enter the Kingdom, which raises the number of countries whose nationals are allowed to obtain electronic visas to enter Bahrain to 121 countries.

22 Iranian entities, 6 individuals added to terror list

The cabinet decided to add 22 Iranian military and economic entities and six Iranian individuals to the kingdom’s terror list.

The competent authorities were requested to take the necessary procedures in this regard, as highlighted in the memorandum submitted by the Minister of Foreign affairs.

MoU between Bahraini-Serbian diplomatic academies endorsed

The session approved a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa Academy for Diplomatic Studies (MBMA) and the Diplomatic Academy at the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Outlined in a memorandum presented by the Foreign Affairs Minister, the MoU aims to strengthen and develop cooperation between the two diplomatic academies in order to improve the education and training of diplomatic staff in both countries.

Two memos on Executive-Legislature cooperation reviewed

The session reviewed two memoranda presented by the Minister of Parliament Affairs on public debate requests and the terms of parliamentary probe committees, and referred them to the Ministerial Committee for Legal and Legislative Affairs.

The move is in line with the government’s keenness to consolidate cooperation with the Council of Representatives within the frameworks stipulated by the Constitution and the regulations in force.

Property to be acquired by Works Ministry

The session approved the acquisition of two land lots for the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

The two land lots will be dedicated to a road expansion project in Ghuraifa, and the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA)’s textile factory project in Bahrain Jamra, as highlighted in a memorandum submitted by the Minister of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

Air services agreement with Spain to be ratified

The Cabinet approved the ratification of the air services agreement signed between the Bahrain on September 25, and referred it to the Council of Representatives, in accordance with the constitutional and legal procedures in force.

Draft MoU on NSSA-RFSA cooperation referred to ministerial committee

The session referred a draft memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Bahrain’s National Space Science Agency (NSSA) and the Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA) Russian Space Agency to the Ministerial Committee for Legal and Legislative Affairs, in the light of the memorandum submitted for this purpose by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications.

Ministerial reports

The cabinet was informed by the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism on the outcomes of his participation in the World Travel Market Exhibition, held recently in London, UK.